The benefits of seeking financial advice following a Pension Sharing Order (PSO)

A PSO can be a significant financial event in one's life, often occurring during a divorce or following the dissolution of a civil partnership. It involves the division of pension assets between the parties involved. While the legal aspects of a PSO are essential, seeking financial advice in the aftermath of such an order can bring numerous benefits.

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Clarity on your financial position

One of the immediate benefits of seeking financial advice following a PSO is to gain a clear understanding of your revised financial position. An adviser can help you to evaluate the impact of the order on your overall financial health and provide a detailed breakdown of your remaining pension assets, helping you to see what you have left so that you can plan your retirement effectively.

Revised retirement planning needs

Your retirement plans may need to be adjusted to reflect your changed financial circumstances, considering your new pension entitlements. An adviser can help you to set realistic retirement goals and determine the most suitable strategies to achieve them.

Maximizing your pension benefits

An adviser can guide you on how to make the most of your pension benefits, such as investment options, tax-efficient withdrawal strategies, and the potential for combining different pensions to optimise your retirement income.

They can also help you to understand and manage the associated financial risks, such as investment volatility and longevity risk, and recommend investment portfolios that align with your risk tolerance and long-term goals.

Tax efficiency

The rules surrounding the taxation of pensions can be complex. A financial adviser can help you to navigate the tax implications of your pension assets, including options for tax-efficient withdrawals and inheritance tax (IHT) planning, which can ultimately lead to a higher after-tax income in retirement.

Estate planning

PSOs can have implications for your estate planning. A financial adviser can assist you in structuring your assets to ensure that they are distributed according to your wishes. This may include setting up trusts or establishing a will that reflects your changed financial circumstances.

Avoiding costly mistakes

The intricacies of pension plans and the associated financial regulations can be daunting. Without professional guidance, you may make costly mistakes that affect your long-term financial well-being. Financial advisers are well-versed in the legal and financial aspects of PSOs and can help you to avoid errors that could jeopardize your future financial security.

Long-term financial planning

Financial planning is not just about addressing your immediate concerns but also about securing your financial future by creating a long-term plan that considers your retirement goals, lifestyle, and expected expenses. This comprehensive approach helps you to achieve the resources necessary to maintain your desired quality of life throughout your retirement years.

As life is unpredictable, and circumstances can change, regularly reviewing your financial plan and making the necessary adjustments as your situation evolves will help to keep your plan on track and aligned with your goals.


Financial uncertainty can be a significant source of stress, especially after a significant life event such as a divorce. Seeking financial advice can provide both clarity and peace of mind, giving you confidence that you are taking the steps necessary to secure your financial future.

Please note: This content is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

A pension is a long-term investment. The fund value may go up or down, which could impact the level of pension benefits available. Your pension income could also be affected by interest rates at the time you take your benefits.

Accessing pension benefits early may impact on levels of retirement income and your entitlement to certain means-tested benefits and is not suitable for everyone. You should seek advice to understand your options at retirement.
