William McBride
Wealth Planner
Based in Glasgow
Diploma For Financial Advisers (DipFA)
Certified Financial Planner (CISI)
William has worked as a Financial Planner for over 30 years, building Warde Graham Consulting and latterly in the last 2 years, working for Succession Wealth. He is a Certified Financial Planner specialising in retirement planning, investment strategies and saving tax for clients. William has a fantastic team around him with special mention to Fiona Munro & Hazel Scarff.
"I still love to compete no matter what the sport is and have a keen eye on Golf, tennis, cycling and general keep fit. I'm married to Laura and have 2 fabulous Daughters Emma & Alana."
Book a meeting
It’s a great way to get your questions answered and find out if financial planning is for you. Initially it is just a chance for us to get to know each other and understand better if our services can help you.
To book an initial meeting with your local Wealth Planner, complete the form below and we’ll be in touch.