Graeme Jenkins
Wealth Planner
Based in Balloch
Diploma in Financial Planning (DipPFS)
With over 15 years of financial services experience Graeme has developed a wealth of knowledge which is demonstrated in the financial plans he creates and manages for clients of all ages and circumstances. He specialises in all aspects of Wealth and retirement planning (both pre and post retirement), using intelligent forecasting tools such as cash-flow modelling to help his clients use their wealth wisely and pass their wealth on to the right people.
"I live in Balloch near Loch Lomond. I enjoy my spending time with my family and participating in hobbies such as golf, cycling and running."
Book a meeting
It’s a great way to get your questions answered and find out if financial planning is for you. Initially it is just a chance for us to get to know each other and understand better if our services can help you.
To book an initial meeting with your local Wealth Planner, complete the form below and we’ll be in touch.